Yuan Tze’s passion to understand and develop life began as a young boy in China.
For a variety of reasons, his time back home was extremely difficult. The pain and suffering he experienced in his youth led him to explore life and find a way out, and so he looked to traditional teachings and practices for solutions.
At the age of seven he began martial arts training and learning the basics of Qigong.
When he reached his teens, his work on life became even more serious. He actively sought out teachers and relentlessly trained with them. In his quest to escape pain and suffering, he gained a better understanding of the root causes of human problems. He made every effort to eliminate these causes in his own life and free himself. Breakthroughs were made at the level of the heart and consciousness, and eventually Yuan Tze experienced the manifestation of his True Self.
Having realised his True Self, he gained a profound and direct realisation of the Laws of Life and the universe.
It became very clear to him that the only way to deal with problems in a truly effective way was for humankind to go through the development of realisation and wisdom. This insight led him to create Ren Xue.
In 2002, Yuan Tze moved to New Zealand, and began the long process of developing Ren Xue. Ren Xue encompasses all that Yuan Tze has learned and realised. It presents the Laws of Life and the universe in an accessible way so that everyone can better understand life and the real source of their problems.
Yuan Tze has touched many hearts and helped many transform their lives. He makes the most profound wisdom accessible and his presence always inspires those who wish to grow. Although his students see him as an extraordinary teacher, Yuan Tze sees himself as an ordinary person who is fully committed to cultivating his life and passionate about sharing what he finds useful. For him, life is a process of "Zi Du Du Ren" - improving one's own life and helping others to do the same.
"Even though I prefer to live a simple and relaxed life, I know that at this stage I still have a lot of responsibility. We cannot just live for ourselves, even if we can afford to do so. At this stage, there are still many people who are eager to grow and have a healthier and happier life. Humanity as a whole needs to move forward too, not just for its own sake but also for the sake of the planet that we call home and that has been subject to abuse for so long. Immediate change is imperative if we want Earth to be the home of future generations. As one of the 7.9 billion people on this planet, I think I have the responsibility to do all I can to help. What I can do may be limited, but with my effort in helping people understand the fundamental causes of human problems and deal with them effectively, some people will be able to start making real change to their lives. When more and more people do this, there will be a stronger force for fundamental change in society. I don’t mind waiting for this to happen as I have a lot of patience. However, we may not be given that much time."
Yuan Tze